[Buildbot-devel] branch overview in webstatus

christian staffa christian.staffa at riverbed.com
Fri Jan 4 17:03:59 UTC 2013

Hi Dan

Yes, exactly. I think that's what i would imagine what could be useful.
OK, i haven't look at categorys yet much. But you described it good.
Horizontally branches and vertically builders/testing whatever.

But maybe i could optimize the buildbot setup. I mean just consider the
following concept.

The buildmaster have schedulers for various branches and trunk.
But branches and trunk using the same builders.
(CS=ChangeSource, BM=BuildMaster, S=Scheduler, B=Builder, BS=BuildSlave

+--+    +--+
+--+    +--+ |
    |              |                |
  +----------+   +----------+     +-+-----+
  |S branch/A|   |S branch/B|     |S trunk|
  +-+------+-+   +-+--------+     +-+-----+
    |      |       |                |
    |      '------------------.     |
    |        .-----|          |     |
    |        |     |          |     |
+--------------+ +--------------+   |
|B centos_x8664| |B ubuntu_x8664|---+
+-+------------+ +-+------------+
  |                |
  |                |
 ++-----+         ++-----+
 |      |         |      |
+--+   +--+      +--+   +--+
|BS|   |BS|      |BS|   |BS|
+--+   +--+      +--+   +--+

And the corresponding result page in an suitable web view could then be:
|             | branch/A | branch/B | trunk |
|centos_x8664 | OK       | FAIL     |///////|
|ubuntu_x8664 | OK       | OK       | OK    |

That would give an overview of the latest builds for branches and the
trunk and you can see: "hey everything is ok but branch/B is broken with
latest build".

Any Comments, please? (-;


On 01/04/13 16:58, Dan Kegel wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 2:31 AM, christian staffa
> <christian.staffa at riverbed.com> wrote:
>> First of all, nothing is wrong with the waterfall page :)
>> But it would be good to have a matrix with left column of builders and
>> the top row with all the current branches/trunk the buildmaster is
>> working on. so you have an overview of the latest build results for it.
> I thought a builder only handled one branch.
> But yeah, speaking more generically, a page where the horizontal
> axis was branches and the vertical axis was platforms/test types/whatever
> does sound useful.
> So something like http://buildbot.buildbot.net/grid
> except only show the most recent build for each builder
> (i.e. only the leftmost column), group the builders by
> everything-but-branch, and then display them at a horizontal
> offset corresponding to branch name?
> I can imagine a new web status view that does this by providing
> a regexp on categories for each row and column; you'd
> then assign a category name of builderkind_branchname
> for every builder.
> Is that kind of what you're thinking of?


Christian staffa
QA Engineer
Riverbed Technology
Regensburg, Germany
christian.staffa at riverbed.com

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