[Buildbot-devel] hideStepIf problem

Jean-Michel Beuken jean-michel.beuken at uclouvain.be
Wed Feb 27 17:33:40 UTC 2013


the doStepIf works perfectly ...
but when I try to use hideStepIf with the same argument ( boolean or integer ) that in the doStepIf,
the build hangs ( Build in progress...)   ( no way to Stop the current build ..only with a restart of master :-( )

this is a part of the code used to set "hideStepIf" under a step :

class MyCheck(ShellCommand):
     def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
         self.setProperty('newtest', 1, "newtest")
         if cmd.rc != 0:
                 self.setProperty('newtest', 0, "newtest")
         return SUCCESS

def is_newtest(step):
     a = step.getProperty("newtest")
     return a

doStepIf = is_newtest
hideStepIf = not( is_newtest )

hideStepIf = True    or    hideStepIf = False     works correctly

but ( found in  Buildbot 0.8.7p1 doc )

hideStepIf=lambda results, s: results==SKIPPED

doesn't work...  ( to be honest, I do not quite understand how it can work :-[ )

I also try with  1 -> False and 0 -> True   in the evaluateCommand() , but it doesn't work...

any idea ?

thanks in advance


PS : sorry for my english...



Jean-Michel Beuken

Computer Scientist

Software Engineer for ETSF and ABINIT.ORG

Université catholique de Louvain

pôle NAPS/IMCN (ex-PCPM), Bat. SC17

8, Chemin des étoiles, Bt L7.03.01

1348 Louvain-la-Neuve BELGIUM


Tel : (3210) 473570 Fax : (3210) 473102



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