[Buildbot-devel] multi-master mode & schedulers question

Maria Marcano mariangemarcano at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 14:54:29 UTC 2013

I'm having the following issue with the triggerable scheduler, I'm not sure
how should be configure to run on multi-master mode,

If I add scheduler on master01:

                                      builderNames=["Build Example"]))

a build on master01 trigger this
                                sourceStamp = { 'branch' :
Interpolate("%(prop:branch)s"), 'repository' : myrepo, 'revision' :

and both master01 and master02 have the builder define

    BuilderConfig(name="Build Example",
      factory= ExampleFactory()))

if a slave on master02 runs the build, then master01 keeps waiting for
trigger step to finish (suppose in this example the builds generates an
artifact that I'm waiting before continue running other steps)


On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Maria Marcano
<mariangemarcano at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m configuring buildbot to run in multi-master mode, and some builders
> uses the Trigger step.
> Is it ok to have same schedulers (ForceScheduler/ Triggerable) defined on
> multiple masters.  It doesn't seem that it will trigger duplicate builds
> with these schedulers. It seems that duplicated builds applies for
> schedulers like nightly / single branch, but I would like to confirm this.
> Thanks,
> Maria
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