[Buildbot-devel] Incorrect string formatting with properties (regression?)

ddcc d.c.ddcc at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 09:31:34 UTC 2013


Ahh, I missed the properties shown on that page. It seems that the 
change from string to tuple has occurred relatively recently; do you 
know of any simple ways to obtain the full path? I'm not too familiar 
with the properties system of Buildbot, and it seems that 
getRenderingFor(build) is used to get the value, so I can't just do 


On 06/08/2013 01:27, Jared Grubb wrote:
> When you look at the properties in the Build page, is 'workdir' a 
> tuple or a string?
> Jared
> On Aug 5, 2013, at 9:02, ddcc <d.c.ddcc at gmail.com 
> <mailto:d.c.ddcc at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Has anyone experienced any incorrect string formatting on the lastest 
>> Git master of Buildbot? In my configuration
>> file, I have the following defined as a build step:
>> f.addStep(Configure(command=['./configure', 
>> WithProperties('--with-llvm=%(workdir)s/../llvm-3_2/build')]))
>> In previous versions such as 0.8.6p1 (Fedora), I get the expected 
>> call with:
>> ['./configure', 
>> "--with-llvm=/home/ddcc/slave/llvm-2_9/../llvm-2_9/build"]
>> But on the latest master, I receive the following, which screws up 
>> the build:
>> ['./configure', 
>> "--with-llvm=('/home/ddcc/slave/llvm-2_9',)/../llvm-2_9/build"]
>> I've tried using Interpolate instead of WithProperties, but I still 
>> experience the same behavior. Any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Dominic
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