[Buildbot-devel] Sprints! And we need some SEO help..

Dmitry Nezhevenko dion at dion.org.ua
Tue Mar 13 07:42:30 UTC 2012

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:57:31PM -0700, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> The PyCon sprints are ongoing, and there are a bunch of us here
> hacking out fixes -- in fact, the sprints in general are amazingly
> well-attended!  Expect great things from all of your favorite Python
> projects.
> The diffstat so far, for the last 30 hours or so, is
>    54 files changed, 1002 insertions(+), 428 deletions(-)
> with improvements already in place from Doug Latornell, Nate Bragg
> (woo, Windows fixes!!), Pam Selle, William Deegan, and Tom Prince.
> Jared Grubb and Juan (*) have works in progress that should land soon,
> too.  Thanks to all!
> Now, a question that nobody in the room can answer for me: I'd like to
> convince Google to index only the current Buildbot documentation, so
> folks don't get sent to old pages unnecessarily.  I had considered
> returning 302's to the new docs for old URLs when the UA matched the
> google bot, but the room seems roundly agreed that doing so would
> anger the Google.  So, how do I do this?  If you don't know, do you
> know someone who might, who can help out?

There is good page with "official" way to hide something from index:


robots.txt way is probably the best

WBR, Dmitry
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