[Buildbot-devel] Generic implementation for paging and sort functionality in data api

Naveen Kumar naveen.iitm90 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 20:07:32 UTC 2012


I am Naveen, I am working on Google Summer of Code project to implement JS
middleware between data api and ajax UI. For that I need some additional
functionality in data api.

For middleware I am using dojostores. One of them is JsonRest[1]. It
assumes paging and sort features in the REST api and right now data api
doesn't have them. I am going to implement as part of the project. When I
tried to implement first approach that came to my mind is write it in each
endpoint class[2][3]. But this design is not generic. I would like it be
generic. It should be written in such a place that it need not be written
in every class. How do I do that? Is it possible? If so, what is the best
place put that code? Suggestions?


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