[Buildbot-devel] Switching from SVN to Mercurial

Bob Hood bhood2 at comcast.net
Tue Feb 21 17:16:54 UTC 2012

On 2/21/2012 9:49 AM, Benoît Allard wrote:
> On 2/21/2012 5:38 PM, Bob Hood wrote:
>> We currently have a single repository, with named ("inrepo") branches.  Our
>> main sandbox is "default", and each developer has their own named branches
>> within the same repository.  I have enabled the Mercurial "changegroup" hook
>> in the "trunk/.hg/hgrc" file with the following settings:
>>      [hooks]
>>      changegroup.buildbot = python:buildbot.changes.hgbuildbot.hook
>>      [hgbuildbot]
>>      master = localhost:9911
>>      auth = xxxxx:xxxxx
> Reading the sourcecode
> <https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/blob/master/master/buildbot/changes/hgbuildbot.py>,
> it looks like if the hgbuildbot.branchtype setting is not set, the branch
> will not be send to the master. In your case, you probably want this
> configuration value to be 'inrepo'. In a future release, it might be a good
> thing to default this value to 'inrepo'. I guess no one uses the 'dirname'
> branching method anyway ...
>> But the value of the 'branch' argument always seems to come in as None instead
>> of an actual string value (or whatever value I set in the "branch =" value of
>> the "changegroup" hook).
> Which is confirming my assumption above.

Ah!  I missed the "branchtype" setting.  I thought there was only "branch". 
Using "branchtype = inrepo" sends me a branch value that I can filter.

Thanks, Benoît!

Render me gone,                       |||
Bob                                 ^(===)^
    I'm not so good with advice...can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

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