[Buildbot-devel] Easy question

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Wed Feb 1 23:52:04 UTC 2012

Dustin> If either of you (or someone else, of course!) would like to
Dustin> come up with such a proof of concept, and share it with the
Dustin> list, I think that would be great.  I think that we can win with
Dustin> a bit of competition between ideas.

Well OK, I'll give it a try.  It's not going to be easy, because I
*still* don't 100% understand the current way.  But not having to touch
the old code makes it a bit easier.

Ian Zimmerman
gpg public key: 1024D/C6FF61AD
fingerprint: 66DC D68F 5C1B 4D71 2EE5  BD03 8A00 786C C6FF 61AD
Rule 420: All persons more than eight miles high to leave the court.

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