[Buildbot-devel] The start of a puppet module for buildbot

Jason Edgecombe jason at rampaginggeek.com
Sun Dec 30 21:51:46 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

I wanted to start the rough start of my buildbot module for puppet. It's 
my first real puppet module, so don't expect too much. It installs 
buildbot from git and starts the master and slave processes. I haven't 
tested builds yet.

The module is located at https://github.com/edgester/puppet-buildbot

I wrote it to help me to test some buildbot modifications. Maybe it's 
useful for other folks. Feedback and pull requests are welcome.

Here is a sample puppet snippet to make a buildmaster and two slaves on 
the same vagrant VM, (Debian 6.0.5 - squeeze).
buildbot::master::instance { 'my_master' :
   user        => 'buildmaster',
   group       => 'buildbot',
   project_dir => '/home/buildmaster/buildbot',
   config      => '/vagrant/puppet/files/master.cfg',

buildbot::slave::instance { 'my_slave1':
   user             => 'buildslave',
   group            => 'buildbot',
   project_dir      => '/home/buildslave/buildbot',
   master_host_port => 'localhost:9989',
   slave_name       => 'mybuildslave',
   slave_password   => 'password',
   admin_contact    => 'Buildslave admin <user at example.com>',

buildbot::slave::instance { 'my_slave2':
   user             => 'buildslave2',
   group            => 'buildbot',
   project_dir      => '/home/buildslave2/buildbot2',
   master_host_port => 'localhost:9989',
   slave_name       => 'mybuildslave2',
   slave_password   => 'password',
   admin_contact    => 'Buildslave admin <user at example.com>',

# defaults to buildbot's git repo
#  source   => 'git://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git',


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