[Buildbot-devel] "Force build" buttons missing?

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Tue Aug 21 19:29:23 UTC 2012

Hey folks,
I'm testing https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git, and noticed that
there is no "Force Build" button where I expect it to be on the
builder's page, even
though I'm logged in.
There is a "Ping Builder" button, though.  And during a build, I can
click stop build.

On the Builders page, I see static text

Force Selected Builds
Force All Builds

with no buttons or ways to select text.

Here's how the web status object is configured:

    authz_users = [ ( FOO_USER, FOO_PASS ) ]
    authz_cfg = authz.Authz( auth = auth.BasicAuth( authz_users ),
                             gracefulShutdown = False,
                             forceBuild = True,
                             forceAllBuilds = True,
                             pingBuilder = True,
                             stopBuild = True,
                             stopAllBuilds = True,
                             cancelPendingBuild = True )
    ws = html.WebStatus( http_port = DEF_HTTP_PORT[ product ], authz =
authz_cfg, order_console_by_time = True )

Using allowBuild = True instead of authz doesn't seem to help.

Am I missing something?  How does one track down problems like this?


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