[Buildbot-devel] help with Python and Property

Amber Yust ayust at yelp.com
Fri Sep 23 17:37:28 UTC 2011

Alternatively, you could do this:

def check_h4_slavename(rc,stdout,stderr):
    ghs_lmhost = ""
    ghs_lmport = "2010"
    slavename = stdout
    if re.search("bigbuild", slavename):
        ghs_lmhost = "localhost"
        ghs_lmport = ""
    return { 'GHS_LMHOST' : ghs_lmhost,
             'GHS_LMPORT' : ghs_lmport }


Since the command property *does* have WithProperties rendered, iirc.


On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Amber Yust <ayust at yelp.com> wrote:

> That's not what SetProperty is designed to do - it won't render
> WithProperties blocks from you.
> I'd suggest using a doStepIf function that always returns True, but first
> looks up the slavename in step.build.properties and sets the new property.
> (doStepIf functions are passed the step object as their argument.)
> ~Amber
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Todd Cooper <todd_cooper at yahoo.com>wrote:
>> I am fairly new to Python and I am having a problem with an accessor
>> function to the property.
>> Problem is I want to set a property of  the build depending on the slave
>> name.
>> How can I pass a result of the Property or WithProperties to re.search?
>> It keeps giving me the error<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: expected string
>> or buffer
>> def check_h4_slavename(rc,stdout,stderr):
>>     ghs_lmhost = ""
>>     ghs_lmport = "2010"
>>     slavename = WithProperties("%(slavename)s")
>>     if re.search("bigbuild", slavename):
>>         ghs_lmhost = "localhost"
>>         ghs_lmport = ""
>>     return { 'GHS_LMHOST' : ghs_lmhost,
>>              'GHS_LMPORT' : ghs_lmport }
>> incrFactory.addStep(shell.SetProperty(command="echo hello",
>>                                       extract_fn=check_h4_slavename,
>>                                       haltOnFailure=True))
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