[Buildbot-devel] Expected behavior of bots when SIGHUP received?

Todd Cooper todd_cooper at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 21 13:30:54 UTC 2011

I think it is because a slave does not need to do a 'reconfig.'  I don't agree with the different behavior but see how it got there..
Does it make sense to reconfig a slave?

>From: Dan Kegel <dank at kegel.com>
>To: BuildBot Devel <buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
>Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 8:54 AM
>Subject: [Buildbot-devel] Expected behavior of bots when SIGHUP received?
>master/buildbot/master.py says
>    def _handleSIGHUP(self, *args):
>        reactor.callLater(0, self.loadTheConfigFile)
>slave/buildslave/bot.py says
>    def _handleSIGHUP(self, *args):
>        log.msg("Initiating shutdown because we got SIGHUP")
>        return self.gracefulShutdown()
>Why the asymmetry?
>In general, I think processes should do an orderly shutdown on SIGTERM,
>and reconfigure themselves on SIGHUP.  Buildslaves get most of
>their config from the master, so perhaps the current buildslave
>behavior should be moved to a SIGTERM handler, and the SIGHUP
>handler force a retry of the connection to the server.
>I ask because when I restart the master after a code change,
>I often want to get the slaves to reconnect right away,
>and a SIGHUP would be the easiest way to do that.
>(Yeah, I could make them poll more often, but maybe that isn't always
>an option.)
>(SIGHUP is easier than starting and stopping the normal way
>because my build slaves need access to the local desktop,
>which I don't have when ssh'ing in remotely.)
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