[Buildbot-devel] [ANN] Buildbot-0.8.5 Released - and a plea

Andriy Senkovych jolly_roger at itblog.org.ua
Wed Sep 21 09:47:03 UTC 2011

Hi, Adam

2011/9/20 adam.collard at gmail.com <adam.collard at gmail.com>:
> I've tried packaging up 0.8.5 into a Debian package for use on Ubuntu via a
> PPA, and hit a problem generating the docs. This seems to have been fixed in
> Git by the recent changes - what's the plan for getting those out? Will you
> re-release 0.8.5? 0.8.5p1?

I'm packaging buildbot for Debian. You may add a cherry-picked patch
as a separate file to debian/patches if you are using DebSrc 3.0
(quilt) format. You may look on my sources for example [1,2] or
download the package sources from Debian itself. Once the changes get
into upstream release you'll be able to remove that patch.

I'd like to look on your PPA too, maybe there some other things to
consider and improve my own packages. Currently I'm missing upstart
init scripts to get new buildbot into official Ubuntu too.

  [1]: https://github.com/jollyroger/debian-buildbot
  [2]: https://github.com/jollyroger/debian-buildbot-slave

WBR, Andriy Senkovych

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