[Buildbot-devel] buildbot-0.8.5rc1

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Sat Sep 3 22:45:15 UTC 2011

The first release candidate of what will become buildbot-0.8.5 is now
available for download.  You can install it in a virtualenv with
  pip install http://buildbot.googlecode.com/files/buildbot-0.8.5rc1.tar.gz
  pip install http://buildbot.googlecode.com/files/buildbot-slave-0.8.5rc1.tar.gz

This version contains, among other notable improvements, the new work
of Pradeepkumar Gayam and Derek Hurley, Buildbot's Google Summer of
Code students.  It has been a productive summer!  While all of the new
code is covered by unit tests, I would like some real-world testing as
well before the final release.  Please help out!

I plan to release rc2 next weekend, fixing any bugs uncovered in the
interim, and to continue on a weekly basis until no more critical bugs
are reported.

As always, please report any bugs you find with this version at
http://buildbot.net.  Specify version 'master' in the bug report.

(note that the release candidate is not on pypi, as we do not want new
users to see this version until it is fully released)


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