[Buildbot-devel] regression causing build pages to explode with "<class 'jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError'>: Encountered unknown tag 'endif'. Jinja was looking for the following tags: 'endmacro'. The innermost block that needs to be closed is 'macro'."

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Sun Oct 2 06:12:49 UTC 2011

I use buildbot from git, and a fresh checkout just now explodes when
I try to look at a build page.
http://localhost:8010/builders/runtests-default/builds/0 has lots of
errors, but none of them seem really clear offhand:

web.Server Traceback (most recent call last):
<class 'jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError'>: Encountered unknown
tag 'endif'. Jinja was looking for the following tags: 'endmacro'. The
innermost block that needs to be closed is 'macro'.

line 133 in maybeDeferred
131  """
132  try:
133    result = f(*args, **kw)
134  except:
args	'()'
kw	'{}'
f	'<function <lambda> at 0xafe464c>'
line 315 in
313    ctx = self.getContext(request)
315    d = defer.maybeDeferred(lambda : self.content(request, ctx))
316    def handle(data):
request	'<GET /builders/runtests-default/builds/0 HTTP/1.1>'
self	'<buildbot.status.web.build.StatusResourceBuild object at 0xb09f08c>'
ctx	"{'build_url': '../../../builders/runtests-default/builds/0',
'slave_url': '../../../buildslaves/example-slave', 'current_step':
'git', 'title_url': 'http://winehq.org', 'authz':
<buildbot.status.web.authz.Authz object at 0xb03530c>, 'tz': u'PDT',
'welcomeurl': '../../../', 'title': 'Wine', 'metatags': [],
'pageTitle': 'Buildbot: runtests-default Build #0', 'start': 'Sat Oct
1 23:07:57 2011', 'stylesheet': '../../../default.css', 'version':
'latest', 'path_to_builder': '../../../builders/runtests-default',
'path_to_root': '../../../', 'exactly': (), 'elapsed': '14 secs',
'most_recent_rev_build': True, 'properties': [{'source': 'Build',
'name': 'branch', 'value': u'None'}, {'source': 'Builder', 'name':
'buildername', 'value': u'runtests-default'}, {'source': 'Build',
'name': 'buildnumber', 'value': u'0'}, {'source': 'Build', 'name':
'project', 'value': u''}, {'source': 'Build', 'name': 'repository',
'value': u''}, {'source': 'Build', 'name': 'revision', 'value':
u'None'}, {'source': u'Scheduler', 'name': u'scheduler', 'value':
u'scrub'}, {'source': 'BuildSlave', 'name': 'slavename', 'value':
u'example-slave'}, {'source': 'slave', 'name': 'workdir', 'value':
u'/home/dank/wineslave.dir/sandbox/slave/runtests-default'}], 'b':
<BuildStatus #0>, 'ss': <buildbot.sourcestamp.SourceStamp instance at
0xafccfcc>, 'steps': [{'time_to_run': 'running', 'name': 'git',
'css_class': 'running', 'link': '0/steps/git', 'urls': [], 'text':
'updating', 'logs': [{'link': '0/steps/git/logs/stdio', 'name':
'stdio'}]}, {'time_to_run': '', 'name': 'shell', 'css_class':
'not_started', 'link': '0/steps/shell', 'urls': [], 'text': '',
'logs': []}, {'time_to_run': '', 'name': 'shell_1', 'css_class':
'not_started', 'link': '0/steps/shell_1', 'urls': [], 'text': '',
'logs': []}, {'time_to_run': '', 'name': 'shell_2', 'css_class':
'not_started', 'link': '0/steps/shell_2', 'urls': [], 'text': '',
'logs': []}, {'time_to_run': '', 'name': 'shell_3', 'css_class':
'not_started', 'link': '0/steps/shell_3', 'urls': [], 'text': '',
'logs': []}], 'time': 'Sat 01 Oct 2011 23:08:11', 'responsible_users':
defer	"<module 'twisted.internet.defer' from
line 242 in content
241    template = req.site.buildbot_service.templates.get_template("build.html")
242    return template.render(**cxt)
cxt	"{'build_url': '../../../builders/runtests-default/builds/0',
'slave_url': '../../../buildslaves/example-slave', 'current_step':
'git', 'title_url': 'http://winehq.org', 'authz':
<buildbot.status.web.authz.Authz object at 0xb03530c>, 'tz': u'PDT',
'welcomeurl': '../../../', 'title': 'Wine', 'metatags': [],
'pageTitle': 'Buildbot: runtests-default Build #0', 'start': 'Sat Oct
1 23:07:57 2011', 'stylesheet': '../../../default.css', 'version':
'latest', 'path_to_builder': '../../../builders/runtests-default',
'path_to_root': '../../../', 'exactly': (), 'elapsed': '14 secs',
'most_recent_rev_build': True, 'properties': [{'source': 'Build',
'name': 'branch', 'value': u'None'}, {'source': 'Builder', 'name':
'buildername', 'value': u'runtests-default'}, {'source': 'Build',
'name': 'buildnumber', 'value': u'0'}, {'source': 'Build', 'name':
'project', 'value': u''}, {'source': 'Build', 'name': 'repository',
'value': u''}, {'source': 'Build', 'name': 'revision', 'value':
u'None'}, {'source': u'Scheduler', 'name': u'scheduler', 'value':
u'scrub'}, {'source': 'BuildSlave', 'name': 'slavename', 'value':
u'example-slave'}, {'source': 'slave', 'name': 'workdir', 'value':
u'/home/dank/wineslave.dir/sandbox/slave/runtests-default'}], 'b':
<BuildStatus #0>, 'ss': <buildbot.sourcestamp.SourceStamp instance at
0xafccfcc>, 'steps': [{'time_to_run': 'running', 'name': 'git',
'css_class': 'running', 'link': '0/steps/git', 'urls': [], 'text':
'updating', 'logs': [{'link': '0/steps/git/logs/stdio', 'name':
'stdio'}]}, {'time_to_run': '', 'name': 'shell', 'css_class':
'not_started', 'link': '0/steps/shell', 'urls': [], 'text': '',
'logs': []}, {'time_to_run': '', 'name': 'shell_1', 'css_class':
'not_started', 'link': '0/steps/shell_1', 'urls': [], 'text': '',
'logs': []}, {'time_to_run': '', 'name': 'shell_2', 'css_class':
'not_started', 'link': '0/steps/shell_2', 'urls': [], 'text': '',
'logs': []}, {'time_to_run': '', 'name': 'shell_3', 'css_class':
'not_started', 'link': '0/steps/shell_3', 'urls': [], 'text': '',
'logs': []}], 'time': 'Sat 01 Oct 2011 23:08:11', 'responsible_users':
req	'<GET /builders/runtests-default/builds/0 HTTP/1.1>'
template	"<Template 'build.html'>"
html	"<module 'twisted.web.html' from

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