[Buildbot-devel] Python-2.4 support

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Sun Nov 27 23:09:33 UTC 2011

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Armstrong, Gareth
<gareth.armstrong at hp.com> wrote:
> I would just like to echo that.  Unfortunately Rhel 5 is still alive and kicking here and will be in many enterprise setups for a few years.  Fortunately the EPEL repos have Python2.6, so I would ask that 2.6 be the reasonable minimum.  This would also take care of Rhel 6 which will have plenty of years to go (5+).

That's very useful information - thanks.  I expect that we'll see
Python-2.6 support continued for several years (until 2015, if we
continue to drop support seven years after the Python release).

I haven't looked at the required changes, but I expect that we could
keep 2.4 support on the slave for one or two more releases, which
might help folks who are still running RHEL5 slaves and don't want to
install the EPEL packages (e.g., due to worries of polluting build
products with unintended dependencies).


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