[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot supporting buildset with multiple repositories

Harry Borkhuis borkhuis at aeteurope.nl
Mon Nov 14 12:08:20 UTC 2011



We would like some advice about a solution for supporting multiple
repositories in a buildset.


For our organization we use Buildbot to perform unit test on our sources. 

In response to some source changes only relevant tests should be performed.

We have different test-apps. Each test-app does unit-tests on 1 or more
libraries, each library is stored in a separate repository.

So each test-app has depencies on 1 or more repositories.

Our source changes take place within the period of the TreeStableTimer and
therefore can include changes in different repositories.

To test all changes we need all the changed repositories, including their
revisions, to be able to checkout the correct version before building and
starting the tests.

The current sourcestamp implementation only stores the repository of the
latest change whereas we need a list of repositories.


In the master.cfg we have defined a scheduler for each test-app that has a
filter for a set of repositories. Changes in any of these repositories
should start the configured builders and should perform the tests.

One of the buildsteps is to checkout the changed repositories with the
correct revisions, unchanged repositories should be checked out with a
specific branch.

This is where we need to know which repositories are involved in the

At this moment we don't see how to achieve this in the current Buildbot


Is there any kind of thought about this problem within the Buildbot team how
to handle this problem?. We can imagine that more Buildbot users have
problems with this.


Our proposal is to group sourcestamps into a set of sourcestamps, where each
sourcestamp has changes from its own repository

A MultiRepositoryScheduler should be configured with a set of repositories
and installs it's own filter (or changes a passed filter accordingly).

The MultiRepositoryScheduler should pass the following information to the

*	a set of SourceStamps that contains the revisions of the


We like to hear from you about our proposal if you see any issues in the way
we see it.

Are there more requirements that we have to take into account when making
these additions to Buildbot.


Please keep me in the cc as I am not on the list.


Harry Borkhuis

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