[Buildbot-devel] My mistake in ShellCommand [?]

Mark Richardson (Internal) mark.richardson at nag.co.uk
Thu May 19 14:59:45 UTC 2011

Hi all,

[builder at openpetascale NightlyOPL]$ buildbot --version
Buildbot version: 0.8.2
Twisted version: 10.2.0
(OPSlave)[OPLbuilder at opl pragmatic]$ buildslave --version
Buildslave version: 0.8.2
Twisted version: 10.2.0

I wonder if I made a mistake in this shell command because the command 
fails when issued through the factory step ShellCommand but is okay 
interactive. from the twistd.log:

> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [-] ShellCommand.startCommand(cmd=<RemoteShellCommand '['bsub', '<', 'pragmatic_make_test_intel.q']'>)
> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [-]   cmd.args = {'workdir': 'build/pragmatic', 'env': None, 'want_stderr': 1, 'logfiles': {}, 'logEnviron': True, 'timeout': 1200, 'want_stdout': 1, 'usePTY': 'slave-config', 'maxTime': None}
> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [-] <RemoteShellCommand '['bsub', '<', 'pragmatic_make_test_intel.q']'>: RemoteCommand.run [4]
> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [-] command '['bsub', '<', 'pragmatic_make_test_intel.q']' in dir 'build/pragmatic'
> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [-] LoggedRemoteCommand.start
> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [Broker,0,XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] <RemoteShellCommand '['bsub', '<', 'pragmatic_make_test_intel.q']'> rc=255
> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [-] closing log <buildbot.status.builder.LogFile instance at 0x1e8426c8>
> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [-] releaseLocks(<buildbot.steps.shell.ShellCommand instance at 0x1e8297e8>): []
> 2011-05-19 15:43:34+0100 [-]  step 'shell_3' complete: failure

the interactive command is:
   bsub < pragmatic_make_test_intel.q

and submits the tests to a queue on a HPC development machine. The
queue system is Platform Lava (LSF). I follow this with q monitoring,
  if the original command had worked (!).

BTW this is from master.cfg
> f_pragmatic_intel.addStep( ShellCommand(command=["cp","-p","tools/pragmatic_make_test_intel.q","pragmatic/"] ) )
> f_pragmatic_intel.addStep( ShellCommand(command=["./configure"],workdir="build/pragmatic") )
> f_pragmatic_intel.addStep( ShellCommand(command=["chmod","u+x","pragmatic_make_test_intel.q"], workdir="build/pragmatic") )
> f_pragmatic_intel.addStep( ShellCommand(command=["bsub","<","pragmatic_make_test_intel.q"], workdir="build/pragmatic") )
> f_pragmatic_intel.addStep( ShellCommand(command=["ls"], workdir="build/pragmatic") )

thanks for any insights,


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