[Buildbot-devel] Problem with Using MailNotifier

Nikunj Badjatya nikunjbadjatya at gmail.com
Thu May 12 04:39:02 UTC 2011

Dear Members,

I have recently started to use Buildbot for my C library build purpose.
I am using "MailNotifier" for triggering automatic mails at various stages
of the build.

Buildbot version: 0.7.12
Twisted version: 9.0.0
Python version 2.6.6
CentOS 5.6

The following code snippet is failing to send a mail.
*from buildbot.status.mail import MailNotifier
from buildbot.status.builder import Results
def messageformatter(mode, name, build, results, master_status):
 result = Results[results]

 text = list()
 text.append('Testing Mail Trigger..cooperate')
 text.append("name of builder:"% name)
 text.append("URL            :"% master_status.getURLForThing(build))
 text.append("slavename      :"% build.getSlavename())
 text.append("STATUS         : %s" % result.title())
 return {
         'body' : "\n".join(text),
         'type' : 'plain'

mn = MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildmaster at localhost",
                           subject='Testing Buildbot Mail Trigger',
                           extraRecipients=['abc at xxx.com'],


But when I simply use:
ml = MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildmaster at localhost",
                  subject='Testing Buildbot Mail Trigger',
                  extraRecipients=['abc at xyz.com'],


It could send a mail. !

Is it possible to trigger a mail just before sometime ( say 1 hr ) the build
process starts.?? Please guide as to how it can be accomplished.!

Please help to solve these .!


Bangalore, India
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