[Buildbot-devel] WithProperties: outdated docs?

Dmitry Nezhevenko dion at dion.org.ua
Wed Jun 15 21:40:22 UTC 2011


I've finally merged 0.8.4 with my local changes and observed issue with

I've some very dummy step that just adds URL to published artifacts:

class AddURLStep(BuildStep):
    def __init__(self, linkName="", linkURL="", **kwargs):
        self.linkName = linkName
        self.linkURL = linkURL
        self.addFactoryArguments(linkName = linkName)
        self.addFactoryArguments(linkURL = linkURL)
    def start(self):
        linkName = self.build.getProperties().render(self.linkName)
        linkURL = self.build.getProperties().render(self.linkURL)
        self.addURL(linkName, linkURL)

It looks like now there is no .render() method in properties. Code was
refactored and now it's unclear for me which one to call? 

From my expectation, right one should be:

        linkName = self.build.render(self.linkName)

At least it works for me. However followed piece of config became broken:

def _probably(props, default):
        if props.has_key("configuration"):
                v = props["configuration"]
                if v == "":
                        return default
                return v
        return default

def probablyRelease(props):
        return _probably(props, "Release")

And here is a usage example:

	WithProperties("%(configuration)s", configuration=probablyRelease)

This looks pretty like in latest docs:

However at runtime I'm getting followed error:

  File "/opt/buildbot/master/buildbot/process/build.py", line 114, in
    return interfaces.IRenderable(value).getRenderingFor(self)
  File "/opt/buildbot/master/buildbot/process/properties.py", line 228, in
    pmap.add_temporary_value(k, v(build))
  File "/srv/buildmaster/master.cfg", line 175, in probablyRelease
    return _probably(props, "Release")
  File "/srv/buildmaster/master.cfg", line 167, in _probably
    if props.has_key("configuration"):
exceptions.AttributeError: Build instance has no attribute 'has_key'

It looks like Build is passed instead of props. It looks like I'm using
wrong way to render properties or documentation is outdated.

Any ideas?

WBR, Dmitry
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