[Buildbot-devel] Multi-project buildmaster
Marc-Antoine Ruel
maruel at chromium.org
Mon Jan 31 16:55:26 UTC 2011
Le 31 janvier 2011 07:00, aivars.kalvans at gmail.com <aivars.kalvans at gmail.com
> a écrit :
> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 12:17 AM, Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin at v.igoro.us>wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 6:00 AM, aivars.kalvans at gmail.com
>> <aivars.kalvans at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > What is the status of multi-project buildmaster? I have read FAQ and
>> found
>> > some discussion
>> >
>> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=auto-000022816765%40sci.utah.edu&forum_name=buildbot-devel
>> > and http://trac.buildbot.net/wiki/Meeting29April2010
>> >
>> > We are looking to replace custom nightly build scripts with Buildbot for
>> > 300+ "projects"/modules. GNOME Buildbot (http://build.gnome.org/) looks
>> > good, but it uses old version of Buildbot and custom webstatus.
>> >
>> > If there are any patches that eventually will be included into official
>> > version I can offer help with testing, bugfixing and feedback.
>> Things work fairly well when the projects are completely distinct -
>> the 'project' and 'repository' attributes can be used to filter
>> changes appropriately, and things work out. If you're trying to build
>> projects that depend on one another, or where source code must come
>> from multiple repositories, things may be a bit trickier.
>> I've updated the FAQ to represent the reality as of 0.8.3.
>> Dustin
> Our Makefiles handle all the dependencies so that's not a problem -
> Buildbot is up and running now.
> Are there any plans for per-project summary (like http://build.gnome.org/)
> and waterfall, etc. views? We could use "category" field for waterfall but
> that requires a lot of Builders (modules*slaves) if I understood correctly.
I poked a bit around but either gnome is using an old version of buildbot or
they disabled /json, otherwise it's just a matter of fetching /builds/-1 and
parsing the data accordingly into a nice UI.
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