[Buildbot-devel] fwd: Re: svn:externals and update mode

tom fogal tfogal at sci.utah.edu
Wed Jan 5 19:27:35 UTC 2011

sorry, forgot to CC the list.


------- Forwarded Message

From: tom fogal <tfogal at sci.utah.edu>
To: "Dustin J. Mitchell" <dustin at v.igoro.us>
Subject: Re: [Buildbot-devel] svn:externals and update mode 
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 05 Jan 2011 02:59:44 CST."
             <AANLkTinVt8XbxfVYFnRS7=36xdd+q=bzHbe2yYi4uLcR at mail.gmail.com> 
References: <auto-000024245234 at sci.utah.edu>  <AANLkTinVt8XbxfVYFnRS7=36xdd+q=bzHbe2yYi4uLcR at mail.gmail.com> 
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2011 11:36:11 -0700

"Dustin J. Mitchell" <dustin at v.igoro.us> writes:
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 7:05 PM, tom fogal <tfogal at sci.utah.edu> wrote:
> >
> > I use the same build factory for OS X. =C2=A0On that platform,
> > every other build works. =C2=A0Just like Linux, when it works it
> > "A"dds every file from the subrepositories. =C2=A0However, when it
> > does fail, I get the output I appended to this email.
> That output looks like some kind of race condition with deleting the
> checked-out files.  Is this NFS or some funny filesystem?

Nah, native filesystems on both systems, local disks.

> I can't think of any other possible causes.  I don't know much about
> svn externals, but as far as I understand SVN should pretty much just
> take care of them while doing the checkout, right?

Yes, it should.  I was thinking last night that perhaps the
always_purge option does not parse `svn status' correctly?  Note that
in the output:

  tfogal at octagon build svn status
  ?       Makefile.tvk
  X       Basics
  X       IO
  ?       .buildbot-sourcedata
  ?       Build/objects
  ?       Build/libTuvok.prl

  Performing status on external item at 'Basics'

  Performing status on external item at 'IO'
  ?       IO/expressions/Makefile.libexpr
  ?       IO/expressions/libtuvokexpr.prl
  ?       IO/expressions/Makefile.debug
  ?       IO/expressions/lexdbg

the external repositories have "X" next to them, instead of "?"s.
Purge should ignore the 'X's, I imagine.

.. but in thinking about it now, even if purge deleted the X'd
files/directories, the update should fix it.

- -tom

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