[Buildbot-devel] repo and gerrit support to buildbot

Dustin Sallings dustin at spy.net
Tue Sep 28 06:01:52 UTC 2010

On Sep 27, 2010, at 22:57, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:

> Personally, I don't know much about repo, android, or mobile
> development[1], so I'd like to see a group of people (at least one,
> preferably 2-4) who are willing do the care and feeding of the
> repo-related parts of Buildbot.  I'd like to know that such a group
> exists before I start merging this code.  I know Dustin spoke up on
> the github pull request, too - would either or both of you be
> interested in taking this on?

	I won't be able to just yet, but I might be able to give it a go in a week or two.

	gerrit is generally awesome regardless of android (I use it in my own instance).  It fits with buildbot perfectly since we have to have verification and review on every commit.  Negative verification from buildbot on each iteration of each change is one of our internal dreams.  (that and sleeping so we can have real dreams)

Dustin Sallings

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