[Buildbot-devel] buildbot Version Control when a single buildbot builder needs multiple Git repositories

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at zmanda.com
Wed Sep 22 02:12:35 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Tony Wallace
<anthonylee.wallace at gmail.com> wrote:
> The above repo commands could be replaced with the equivalent git commands:
>       git clone "git://ours/thing-one"
>       git clone "git://ours/thing-two"
>       git clone "git://ours/thing-three"
>       git clone "git://ours/thing-four"
> Unfortunately, this buildbot knows nothing about which source version it is
> getting. There's no way to tell what the last source change was, who changed
> it, and no way to exactly re-run an existing build.

By the way, this is a *perfect* example of the kind of
inter-repository build coordination (trac keyword 'buildcoord') I'd
like to see added to Buildbot.  I think the natural solution here is
to have a SourceStamp that specifies { 'thing-one' : 'sha1-one',
'thing-two' : 'sha1-two', .. }, and then some way for each git step to
extract its appropriate revision.

This isn't something that's in development at the moment, but it's an
interesting idea.


Open Source Storage Engineer

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