[Buildbot-devel] 0.8.2 incoming

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Thu Oct 28 15:05:30 UTC 2010

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com> wrote:
> Release candidates are useful, but it's also something that I could learn to
> build myself with sdist. If there are any tricks to this, let me know.

Nope - the instructions I follow are at

Still, I think I like the rc's, given that they're mostly limited to
getting the packaging right.  And in that context, it makes sense for
*me* to build the rc's, so that I do the same thing (right or wrong)
for the rc's and the final release.

> One thing that I think has crept in since 0.8.1: when I build the Fink
> package, where the prefix is /sw, there is a file /sw/buildslave/VERSION
> which is failing the Fink validation check.
> Here's how this gets built for Python 2.6:
> python2.6 setup.py build
> ...
> python2.6 setup.py install --root=<buildroot>/sw

I just tried this, with a different root obviously, and got:

$ python setup.py build install --root=tmp/sw
$ find tmp/sw -name VERSION

but for buildslave

$ find tmp/sw -name VERSION

so clearly I've screwed something up.

> With this structure, the buildslave modules get installed in
> /sw/lib/python2.6/site-packages/buildslave (which I assume is where the
> VERSION file should go).
> Could this be done by reading the "version" global from
> buildslave/__init__.py?

Yes - now that I think about it, I think it's a better idea to
hard-code the version in the release branch, rather than relying on
the "magic" 'git describe' stuff in __init__.py.  If I do that and
send you a new set of tarballs, will you be able to verify quickly
that I've fixed the problem you've noticed?


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