[Buildbot-devel] 0.8.2 incoming

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Tue Oct 26 20:21:33 UTC 2010

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin at v.igoro.us> wrote:
> 1. if you're running 'master', please upgrade and file bugs for any
> remaining problems.

I didn't hear anything here, although Amber is busily pyflaking the
source, so we'll merge any bugfixes that finds (and there have been a
few) into the release branch.

> 2. if you find release candidates useful, let me know

Thinking back, release candidates have been more about testing the
packaging than about testing the code.  So I'm going to assume the
code is fit to release, barring any major blockers.  However, I may
very well have screwed up the packaging.

Release candidate 1 is ready.  Please download and have a look,
especially those folks who will be repackaging this for the various
distros and OS's.  Here are the links:


I've already installed this on the metabuildbot, and it hasn't blown
up, so things are looking good.

If I don't hear anything by Thursday (US), I'll do the release.  With
luck, even if I do hear something, we'll release by the end of the day


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