[Buildbot-devel] New init scripts in contrib

Georgi Valkov georgi.t.valkov at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 21:13:37 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I've put together two init scripts capable of controlling multi-master
and multi-slave setups. They're based on debian's buildbot init script
and their configuration is mostly the same, ie:


  SLAVE_ENABLED[1]=0                    # 0-enabled, other-disabled
  SLAVE_NAME[1]="buildslave #1"         # short name printed on 
  SLAVE_USER[1]="gv"                    # user to run slave as
  SLAVE_BASEDIR[1]="/tmp/slave01"       # basedir to slave (absolute 
  SLAVE_OPTIONS[1]=""                   # buildbot options  
  SLAVE_PREFIXCMD[1]=""                 # prefix command, i.e. nice, 

With a little bit of tweaking they should work across distros. Perhaps
package maintainers could use these scripts as the base of the init
scripts for their favorite distro. 

Here are some rough edges and possible areas of improvement:

* The init scripts would definitely not be interpreted by dash (did
debian init script absolutely have to use dash, or was it more of a

* Certain LSB functions (log_daemon_msg, log_end_msg, log_end_msg) may
not be available on certain distributions. I've added some compatibility
for the cases I run into while testing

* Some support for virtualenv would be nice ... something like

Here are the changes:
[1] http://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/commit/c669feac54fc911dd5e318f25bdcf0cdda91416f


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