[Buildbot-devel] How to build factory when using change_source with branches?

ariasgore at gmx.de ariasgore at gmx.de
Mon Oct 18 11:21:03 UTC 2010


I've read http://buildbot.net/buildbot/docs/current/SVNPoller.html#SVNPoller and created a change_source which uses a funcion that splits different projects into branches and relative file names.
So my svn uses "svn://path/to/repo"
the function splits incoming files then into branch and path name. Thats fine.

But how do I get to know what url is required in the svn step in the factory?

For instance the splitter splits "svn://path/to/repo" into "branch/xy" and "trunk", but when I write a step for the factory, which looks like

svn_update = SVN(
    svnurl = svnroot,
    username = svnuser, password = svnpass,
    mode = 'update', workdir = '.')

I need to know, whether it is svnurl = svnroot/trunk or svnroot/branches/xy or svnroot/branches/voodoo

(Maschine is Windows, with buildbot 0.8.1)

Is it possible to keep that step generic and not define a SVN step for each possible branch?

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