[Buildbot-devel] Parallel builds on slaves

Ryan Haynes rhaynesak at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 21:29:41 UTC 2010

Hello all,
I'm new to the mailing list.  I work at stsci.edu.  We are starting to
use buildbot for various projects in house.  Hopefully we can get some
adaptation amongst developers as everyone is pretty oldschool here.

I have an issue...
I'm kind of lost on this.  The documentation suggest that a build
factory will run on all slaves in parallel defined by slavenames in
the builder. However, I do not see this happen.

for instance...

bf1 = factory.BuildFactory()
bf1.addStep(ShellCommand(command=['echo', 'IM ALIVE']))

c['builders'] = []
from buildbot.config import BuilderConfig

    BuilderConfig(name='tester', slavenames=['bond', 'rh5_arzach'], factory=bf1)

tester = timed.Periodic(name="FIVE_MIN",

When I look at the waterfall it shows one buildslave.  It alternates
the buildslaves each time the periodic scheduler runs.  So first I'll
have bond run, then five minutes later arzach runs.

I am really confused about this behavior.  Shouldn't they run on both
machines in parallel?


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