[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot Summit - Out of process

Marc-Antoine Ruel maruel at chromium.org
Tue Nov 23 15:46:58 UTC 2010

Even if I checked in significant infrastructure for event based push, I
still haven't got around implement everything needed like a listening port.
:/ IMHO, if we (I) can get around fixing some core issues, then the rest
will become less of an issue.

My main point is: have the web/json/mail status serving in a separate
process but reusing the same twisted infrastructure, so status/ classes can
be reused as is in a separate project transparently. I'm probably dreaming
though. It requires having fully bidirectional communication to control
jobs. I should stop writing emails and go back to coding instead.

As most Moz folks were advocating for db-wise cross process communication, I
prefer socket based one since it's easier to deploy the status serving in a
remote DC but in the end it doesn't matter, whatever works first wins.

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