[Buildbot-devel] Is there a build-god? Or any aggregated view for multiple build masters?

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Fri Nov 5 13:58:45 UTC 2010

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:06 AM,  <ariasgore at gmx.de> wrote:
> we have plenty of projects in different repositories. Managing everything in one master is therefore not quite possible.
> But having dozens of buildmasters sitting on 8010, 8011, 8012 and so on makes them quite hard to find.
> Is there a facility that can sum up all results in an aggregated view and display links to the bots and their results?
> I could do that by myself but if somebody has already done that it would be appreciated :)

There's not, but this is a pressing need from lots of organizations
running multiple masters.  Here's the current game plan to do so -- a
subset of http://buildbot.net/trac/wiki/DevelopmentPlan.

First, make the web status primarily a client-side application, which
merely requests status information from the master via JSONRPC.  Use
long polling or other mechanisms to get status updates, and do so in a
fashion that can poll multiple masters.

Second, move all of the historical status (static data) into the
database (statusdb), so that it can be accessed from any master.  Then
the web status can access a single master for historical status, and
if necessary branch out to multiple masters to get live status

Any help on this project would be great!  There's already a good bit
of JSONRPC in place, so we can get started migrating to javascript
pretty quickly.  In my ideal world, we'd have a few competing
implementations of this in the early stages, and look at the relative
merits before committing to any one of them.


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