[Buildbot-devel] project and repository

David Abrahams dave at boostpro.com
Mon May 24 03:18:25 UTC 2010

At Wed, 24 Feb 2010 13:05:29 +0100,
Marcus Lindblom wrote:
> Ideas for expanding the webstatus: I feel like it could make sense to 
> have "project" pages under which we sort the current views 
> (waterfall/grid/console/changes).
> I dislike waterfall&project=bah URLs, I'd rather have 
> /projects/bah/waterfall, as that makes much more sense from an URL 
> standpoint (more idiomatic, works better with search engines & browsers, 
> etc.)
> It should be pretty easy to set up. Just a new HTMLResource class with 
> subpages.

+1 ...

But as far as I can tell in 0.8.0rc5, even waterfall&project=bah
doesn't do anything, whereas waterfall&category=bah does.  *Is* there
currently a way to view results by project?

Also, how do I arrange for a project name to be associated with the
build?  As http://boostpro.com:8010/builders/ubuntu-builder/builds/202
shows, I am getting empty project/repository names.

Dave Abrahams           Meet me at BoostCon: http://www.boostcon.com
BoostPro Computing

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