[Buildbot-devel] console and grid information loss [was: Re: yellow warning on top row of waterfall?]

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 04:21:55 UTC 2010

On Feb 28, 2010, at 2:20 PM, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:

> Have you checked some of the better views? Console? Grid/TGrid?

The console and grid views still seem to lose a bit of information in  
the name of simplicity. I have heard the horror stories about how hard  
it is to maintain the waterfall code, but it still seems to be the  
most accurate picture of what the entire Buildbot system is doing  
(outside of twistd.log).

I am trying to track down the root cause (or at least a simple test  
case for a bug report), but it does not look like either the console  
or grid views will pick up the status of a re-submitted build. In my  
case, I had not run a 'chmod -R a+w' on the tree before the SVN update  
step, and so the SVN step failed to remove the old tree. I resubmitted  
the build, and after it had completed successfully, there was no  
indication in the grid view that the old build had been re-run, and  
that the second run was successful.

The same thing happened on another slave after I accidentally shut it  
down in the middle of a build. I turned it back on, resubmitted that  
build, and the console and grid still say the build failed.

If someone were to rewrite the waterfall, what would make it less  

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