[Buildbot-devel] Mac's "cat" behaves strangely if encapsulated in buildbot's ShellCommand

Greg Ward greg at gerg.ca
Tue Jul 20 02:08:11 UTC 2010

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Ben Hearsum <bhearsum at mozilla.com> wrote:
> You can also use:
> command=["bash", "-c", "rm *.old"]

Is there really any advantage to this?  I mean, this is what system()
ultimately does (albeit with "/bin/sh"), so what does this buy apart
from perhaps being a tad more explicit?  (And not working on Windows.)
 Is it any less prone to security holes?

Anyways, I've updated the FAQ and mentioned ["/bin/sh", "-c", ...] as
an alternative.


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