[Buildbot-devel] Forcing buildbot to execute the next buildstep if no return code was received for the previous step

David Mor david.mor at mobidia.com
Fri Jul 9 20:57:54 UTC 2010

Dear Buildbot Developers,

  I'm currently trying to automate ETL log captures by trying to start traceview via Shellcommand before tests are run.
However, since traceview doesn't seem to issue a return coded until a key is manually pressed in the traceview popup window after it is instantiated in  command prompt and , buildbot will wait and kill the process after 1200 seconds (default value).
Is there any way to tell buildbot that it is okay to proceed onto the next build step (start the tests) without waiting for a return code and allow the process to live even
after timeout?
is there any other way around this?

The logfiles attribute in  Shellcommands don't seem to be able to substitute traceview in this circumstance.

Thank you for your support.

  David Mor
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