[Buildbot-devel] A buildbot build step that worked on XP and Vista but not Win7

Dan Savilonis djs at n-cube.org
Fri Jul 2 18:55:26 UTC 2010

If you start your buildbot instance from the same shell that you can
successfully run the command from, you should be able to rule in or
out environment variable problems. I'm also wondering if you need the
escaped quotes around the company name argument.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 12:14 PM, David Mor <david.mor at mobidia.com> wrote:
> Dear Buildbot Developers,
>   Buildbot has been working miraculously, and we all appreciate your
> automation framework.
> However, I ran into a strange behaviour  which I cannot solve.
> When I tried issuing a code signing  command to Microsoft's signtool, it
> executed successfully and returned no errors.
> However, when I encapsulated the command into a buildbot ShellCommand, I
> constantly receive the following error.
> SignTool Error: No certificates were found that met all the given criteria.
> At first I consulted forums and Microsoft's signtool MSDN guide, and checked
> all the parameters.
> After doing some research, and making numerous unsuccessful tweaks to the
> command, I decided to refer to the certificate by its SHA1 hash to avoid
> tricky characters such as commas and spaces; however, the same problem still
> existed - the command executes without
> error when I manually type it into the console, but not when I encapsulate
> it in a ShellCommand.
> The following shell command had no problems in Windows XP and Vista, but
> couldn't execute successfully in Windows 7 Home Premium.
> ShellCommand(description="….",
>                  descriptionDone="….",
> command=["C:\\WinDDK\\7600.16385.0\\bin\\x86\\SignTool.exe", "sign", "/v",
> "/ac",
>                           "[name of certificate]",
>                           "/s", "my", "/n", "\"Mobidia, Inc\"",
>                           "/t",
> "http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll", "[name of .sys
> file"],
>                  workdir=[work dir])
> If possible, could you shed some light onto this strange behaviour I am
> encountering?
> Thank you very much for your support.
> Sincerely,
>    David Mor
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