[Buildbot-devel] A buildbot build step that worked on XP and Vista but not Win7

David Mor david.mor at mobidia.com
Fri Jul 2 16:14:05 UTC 2010

Dear Buildbot Developers,

  Buildbot has been working miraculously, and we all appreciate your automation framework.
However, I ran into a strange behaviour  which I cannot solve.

When I tried issuing a code signing  command to Microsoft's signtool, it executed successfully and returned no errors.
However, when I encapsulated the command into a buildbot ShellCommand, I constantly receive the following error.

SignTool Error: No certificates were found that met all the given criteria.

At first I consulted forums and Microsoft's signtool MSDN guide, and checked all the parameters.
After doing some research, and making numerous unsuccessful tweaks to the command, I decided to refer to the certificate by its SHA1 hash to avoid
tricky characters such as commas and spaces; however, the same problem still existed - the command executes without
error when I manually type it into the console, but not when I encapsulate it in a ShellCommand.

The following shell command had no problems in Windows XP and Vista, but couldn't execute successfully in Windows 7 Home Premium.

                 command=["C:\\WinDDK\\7600.16385.0\\bin\\x86\\SignTool.exe", "sign", "/v", "/ac",
                          "[name of certificate]",
                          "/s", "my", "/n", "\"Mobidia, Inc\"",
                          "/t", "http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll", "[name of .sys file"],
                 workdir=[work dir])

If possible, could you shed some light onto this strange behaviour I am encountering?
Thank you very much for your support.

   David Mor
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