[Buildbot-devel] How to do incremental building with buildbot.steps.Source.Git ?

Guo Hongruan camelguo at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 02:33:05 UTC 2010

Hi guys,
   I want to do incremental build with Git repos. That's I want to keep the  
building result and just building the files changed since last building.  
So I write my master.cfg as the following:

branch=oebranch, mode='update',retry=(30,5)))
/*use mode='update' to tell buildbot I want to keep the building result  
(object files, temp files) and just build the files changed since last  

  But I found every time, buildbot will delete the whole building result  
and build it completely. From the log file, I saw:
1, buildbot first delete all previous building result using the following  
    git clean -f -d -x
2. Then it builds the project completely.

My question is how to do incremental building with Git? It seems that the  
mode='update' of Git does not work as expected.

Thanks a lot.

Guo Hongruan, Embedded Linux Consultant
Skype: camelguo
Twitter: camelguo

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