[Buildbot-devel] Getting the builder names for the try scheduler?

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Sat Jan 2 23:39:30 UTC 2010


Is there currently a way to get the valid list of builder names for the Try 
scheduler (I'm mainly interested in the Try_Userpass interface)? If not, could 
it be fairly easily added?

That is, given an entry like:
c['schedulers'].append(Try_Userpass("rb-try", ["fedora1-full", "ubuntu2", 
"doxygen"], port=8031, userpass=[("reviewboard", "rb-pass")] ) )

I'd like to be able to get the list 
["fedora1-full", "ubuntu2", "doxygen"]
using tryclient.py or similar.

The reason for asking is to try to provide something more useful than a text 
box saying "insert names of builders to use" in a GUI. My particular interest 
is in Reviewboard (see http://reviews.reviewboard.org/r/1336/ for the broken 
work-in-progress version), but it could potentially be more generally useful.


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