[Buildbot-devel] The never-ending build

Joseph McLaughlin JMcLaughlin at cybexintl.com
Fri Feb 26 16:49:22 UTC 2010


A few days ago, my buildmaster was running an archiving script initiated by a MasterShellCommand () step.  It was a bad script--it attempted to unzip over an existing file and then posed my buildmaster a question:

        replace /logs/doxygen.log? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename:

For some reason my buildmaster was stumped by this question :) and never answered it.   To stop this build, I tried the following :

*         Hit the "stop build" button multiple times.

*         Killed the shell process that was still wondering what to do with doxygen.log.  Verified with 'ps aux | grep ...' that neither this process nor any of its children are still running.

*         Stopped and started the buildbot master several times.

*         Stopped and started the buildslave several times

... but all of my displays on the buildbot webpage still show this as a running build.   How do I get rid of it?  There are other users on this server, so rebooting is kind of a big deal, but I will do it if someone thinks I need to.

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