[Buildbot-devel] Incremental pylint

Andrew Melo andrew.melo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 19:01:59 UTC 2010

Hey all,

There was a call earlier for an incremental pylint class. It took me a
while (and it's really ugly, I had a hard time following the API to
figure out what I wanted to change), but I've been using this, and it
works fairly well. Additionally, it seems like the newer version of
pylint changed their output format, so I had to change the regex to
better match it. If someone has a suggestion on how to clean this up,
I'm all ears!


class MyPyLint(PyLint):
        _parseable_line_re = re.compile(r'[^:]+:\d+: \[%s[,\]] .+' %

        def __init__(self, onlyChanged=False, myCommand = None, **kwargs):
                if 'command' in kwargs:
                        self.myCommand = kwargs['command']

                PyLint.__init__(self, **kwargs)
                self.addFactoryArguments( onlyChanged = onlyChanged,
                                          myCommand = myCommand )
                self.onlyChanged = False
                if onlyChanged is not None:
                        self.onlyChanged = onlyChanged
                if myCommand is not None:
                        self.myCommand = myCommand

        def start(self):
                log.msg( self.build )
                files = []
                if self.build.getSourceStamp().changes:
                        for c in self.build.getSourceStamp().changes:
                                for fn in c.files:
                                        files.append( fn )
                log.msg( "Pylinting files: %s" % files )
                if ( (not files) and (self.onlyChanged) ):
                        return SKIPPED

                if ( (not hasattr( self, 'myCommand')) or
(self.myCommand == None )):
                        return PyLint.start(self)

                self.setCommand( self.myCommand )
                if files and self.onlyChanged:
                        newCommand = self.myCommand + files
                        self.setCommand( newCommand )


Andrew Melo

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