[Buildbot-devel] Setting up buildbot for svn+ssh checkout

Hugo Carrer hscarrer at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 15:40:20 UTC 2010

I have this config running on debian lenny
    *  Buildbot: 0.7.8
    * Twisted: 8.1.0
    * Python: 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 24 2010, 14:53:14) [GCC 4.3.2]
    * Buildmaster platform: linux2

I have a SVN repo configured to allow ssh access, I can't get the
builder to do a successful checkout of the source this is the relevant
config (I think :))

from buildbot.process import factory
from buildbot.steps import shell, source
from buildbot.steps.python_twisted import Trial
f = factory.BuildFactory()
f.addStep(source.SVN(svnurl=svnrep+"/code/cpp", mode="export"))

The buildbot user exists in the SVN server and has been allowed to
checkout files from the repo, but it has no password setup since it is
a system user.
I guess I should use ssh keys but I don't know how to do that

Any pointers?

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