[Buildbot-devel] Bzr tests

Dustin Sallings dustin at spy.net
Tue Sep 1 15:30:50 UTC 2009

On Sep 1, 2009, at 7:38, Ben Hearsum wrote:

> I've noticed that we've had a lot of Bzr failures on the  
> Metabuildbot lately on freebsd_7 and minime in particular. It  
> doesn't happen before 8f494663cb889fda7ac290728ec72c5e5ef49bee,  
> which may be related. It could also be flakey tests or running an  
> unsupported version of Bzr on the slaves. Dustin, do you know what  
> version those slaves are running? Anyone know which versions of Bzr  
> we support?

	Looks like that's 1.15.1 on minime and 1.16 on freebsd_7.  I know  
very little about bzr and its versions.

	The bzr test failure is certainly my fault.  We interactively  
confirmed the behavior was correct at a development event where I was  
trying to sell these guys on buildbot, but I failed to follow up on  
the tests.  I suppose this is what buildbot is for.  :)  I'll get a  
fix in today.

Dustin Sallings

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