[Buildbot-devel] how to pass the branch value from SourceStamp into environment variable for step

Pavel Sutyrin psut at mail.ru
Thu Oct 22 14:54:19 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Firstly, thanks for great piece of software that buildbot definitely is. I am already enjoying it's clean design for a week, but can't figure out seemingly trivial thing. I have following factory:

f = factory.BuildFactory()
f.addStep( CVS( cvsroot=cvsroot, cvsmodule="full_build", mode="clobber"))
f.addStep( Compile( command=["gmake", "checkout"])
f.addStep( Compile( command=["gmake", "build"])

First 'compile' does actually checkout additional cvs modules (the list of which is stored in makefile), using cvs tag stored in TAG environment variable, or HEAD if TAG is empty; second 'compile' does the actual build. Consider this as somewhat legacy gmake+cvs build setup ;)

All this works out-of-the-box for HEAD, but doesn't for non-trivial tag. I suppose I have to pass the branch value from current SourceStamp to TAG environment variable just before first compile step starts. I know it is possible to supplement the environment statically when defining build, but that's not the case. 

Do I need subclass something, or it is enough to provide just right arguments to somebody?.. 

Thanks in advance, 


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