[Buildbot-devel] Roll-up to 0.7.11 .. HELP!

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at zmanda.com
Fri May 22 19:32:46 UTC 2009

Well, folks, I just ran down the list of "undecided" bugs (many of
which were holdovers from SourceForge -- thanks to Gavin for
converting those) and categorized them by release.  Here's the stuff
for 0.7.11:

I have *very* little time to work on all of this, and certainly can't
fix but a few of those bugs myself, so at this point the official line
on "when will 0.7.11 be released" is "when all of the bugs in that
milestone are fixed."  This means we all need to chip in - adopt a
ticket, hack on it, and I'll be happy to merge the results.


Open Source Storage Engineer

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