[Buildbot-devel] buildbot notification emails - adding got_revision numbers

Chris Kwan chriswkwan at gmail.com
Mon May 4 10:37:29 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I want to get the Got_Revision number for the latest build that certain
builder has finished building and also the Got_Revision number of the build
built just before it.  I want to append these two numbers to the email that
buildbot sends out once it finishes a build.  The problems I am running into
are how to get these numbers and then how to get them to the mail notifier.

I have been able to access these numbers in ...buildbot\status\web\build.py
(which dynamically generates the buildbot web-interface webpage for a build
given its number) with the following code:

        #Get the build number and get_revision of the current build

        #I believe that the “b” referred to below comes from line 33: b =

        myBuildNum = b.getProperty("buildnumber")

        myGotRev = b.getProperty("got_revision")

        #Get the build number and get_revision of the last build

        #We get the last build by looking at all the previous builds

        #starting at our build number and decrementing

        #We stop when we hit a build whose got_revision number

        #is less than the current build's got_revision

        myBuilder = b.getBuilder()  #the builder

        numBuildsLeft = myBuildNum  #how many builds are left to check

        lastGotRev = myGotRev       #got_revision number of last build

        while numBuildsLeft >= 0 and lastGotRev >= myGotRev:

            lastBuild = myBuilder.getBuild(numBuildsLeft)


                if lastBuild:

                    lastGotRev = lastBuild.getProperty("got_revision")

            except KeyError:

                print "None. This build failed.\n"


                print "Unexpected Error \n"

            numBuildsLeft = numBuildsLeft-1

With the above method, I am able to get the two numbers that I need.  However,
the problem is how to get them to the mail notifier which is in
…buildbot\status\mail.py, so that they can be put into the emails.

·         What is the best way to access these properties (the get_revision
numbers of builds) in mail.py?

·         Is there a way that I put the above code inside of mail.py

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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