[Buildbot-devel] Sprint on Monday

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at zmanda.com
Sun Mar 29 15:25:19 UTC 2009

It looks like there will be a Buildbot sprint sometime Monday
afternoon/evening (central time).

We'll be working on the outstanding 0.7.11 and 0.7.* bugs, and talking
about plans for 1.0 (which I will be scaling back quite a bit).

If you have time to participate but you're not in town, we'll be
hanging out on #buildbot during the sprint, so hop in there and we'll

If you do not have time, you can still help out by filing and/or
categorizing bugs that would be good to hit during the sprint.  Here's
how: skim through http://buildbot.net/trac/report/3, looking in
particular at the 0.7.11 and 0.7.+ milestones.  Look for bugs that
could be solved in about an hour, and that would fit well in the next
release, and add the 'sprint' keyword.  The resulting ticket should
then appear in http://buildbot.net/trac/report/16, which is the list
from which we will parcel out work tomorrow.

While you're there, please also check out the "undecided" bugs in
http://buildbot.net/trac/report/3, and mark them either for 0.7.11
(the next release) or 0.7.+ (some release after that), using your best

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!


Storage Software Engineer

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