[Buildbot-devel] Source step's clobbering part 2

Marcus Lindblom macke at yar.nu
Sun Mar 22 20:50:38 UTC 2009

Hi all,

This is regarding a ticket with patch that removes clobbering on 
inrepo-branch change with Mercurial:

See http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/462.

This is basically a rehash of a previous thread:

The tests force clobbering (hence I added it when finalizing #187), yet 
users doesn't seem to want it. (Both Axel and 'even' suggests using 'hg 
update --clean').

What is the rationale for clobbering on branch change? Is it legacy due 
to CVS?

I'd prefer to see this resolved by fixing 
http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/412, either by using 'hg purge' as that 
says, or just delete everything except the '.hg' dir.

I suppose similar things goes for Git, Bzr, Darcs and other DVCS:es that 
keep everything in one dir?



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