[Buildbot-devel] [buildbot-devel] can a slave step purposelycause master to do reconfig?

Gavin gavin at 16degrees.com.au
Fri Jun 26 23:40:24 UTC 2009

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Lepple [mailto:clepple at gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, 27 June 2009 8:20 AM
> To: Mike Winter (miwinter)
> Cc: buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Buildbot-devel] [buildbot-devel] can a slave step
> purposelycause master to do reconfig?
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Mike Winter
> (miwinter)<miwinter at cisco.com> wrote:
> > If its possible in normal channels please indicate method.
> regarding $SUBJECT, you could have a separate builder/slave pair that
> just watches your SCM for the config file, and does the reconfig via
> sudo.
> However, as Dustin mentioned, reconfiguring is not the most reliable
> process.

Really? How so?

Just interested in why as I actually use it quite regularly and quite

I have a shell script that checks SVN every so often for updated Buildbot
Config files, if found, it performs the svn up and then does a 'buildbot
reconfig' to incorporate those changes/additions. If the 'buildbot reconfig'
fails ten buildbot is very good at not applying those changes - my script
then sends me an email telling me what commit broke the config.

Each project has its own config file called from master.cfg so projects can
make their own changes to their own builds, having the script utilise
'buildbot reconfig' to apply those changes from SVN (meaning project
committers don't need access to the master/slaves directly) is an essential
ingredient; and one that hasn't let us down yet.


> --
> - Charles Lepple

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