[Buildbot-devel] simple questions about buildbot

Tommy Kudirka tkdeaddovedonoteat at live.com
Thu Jul 16 03:51:45 UTC 2009

>Now I'm on XP, and gonna build my code with VS2005, how to write the master.cfg? and what should I do on the slave?
Because buildbot closes the command window immediately after running a command, you must first write a batch file that sets up the build environment and then runs vcbuild.exe. The .bat would look something like this:
call %VS80COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.batvcbuild "Your File Here"
%VS80COMNTOOLS% should have been configured when you installed VS2005. Just in case, it points to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8.0\Common7\Tools by default.
Your buildstep would look like this (assuming you called the above build.bat):
f1.addStep(shell.ShellCommand(command=["call", "build.bat"]))
>2.What does "PB"(such as in PBChangeSource) stand for?

"Perspective Broker". It's part of the Twisted framework Buildbot is based on. I'm new to all this buildbot stuff myself, so I'm not sure what that specifically means. http://twistedmatrix.com/projects/core/documentation/howto/pb.html
Hope that helps,Tommy

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